Quick-Start Piano

Play your first song in Four weeks

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The current round of Quick start Piano is already running, but the musical journey doesn't end here! If you want to secure your spot for the next round or get more details, I invite you to join my waitlist. By signing up, you'll be the first to receive updates and ensure that you don't miss any important announcements.

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Unlock the joy of music with "Quick-Start Piano"

"Quick-Start Piano" is a beginner-friendly course designed for people with busy lives. In just four weeks, you'll learn the essentials of piano playing, from understanding the keys to mastering simple melodies. Each week unveils new, easy-to-follow lessons that fit into your hectic schedule, ensuring you make progress without feeling overwhelmed. By the end of this course, you'll confidently play a complete song, experiencing the pride and joy of your musical journey. Whether you seek a relaxing hobby, a way to bond with family, or a moment of peace in your busy life, "Quick-Start Piano" is your gateway to the enriching world of music.


My name is Tatevik Aivazian, and my life's work is dedicated to sharing the joy and discipline of classical and modern music with students of all ages.

With over 20 years of experience as a pianist and piano teacher, I have developed a unique teaching style that blends the best of Russian and European traditions.

My approach to music is one of continuous exploration and discovery. I am committed to making online piano lessons as effective and enriching as those held in person. I believe in creating a playful and supportive environment where we can explore the world of music together, learning not only to play but also to connect deeply with the timeless language of melody and harmony.

Introducing the "Quick-Start Piano" Course

Are you a busy individual who has always dreamed of playing the piano but never found the time? My "Quick-Start Piano" course is designed just for you! It is ideal for absolute beginners or those with minimal piano experience. This course will guide you through your first song in just one month, fitting seamlessly into your packed schedule and providing a serene escape.

Join me in this musical adventure, where we'll unlock the magic of the piano together!



Thank you so much for offering the Quick Start Beginners Course! My piano learning journey has truly blossomed under your guidance. I appreciate your dedication and the time you've shared, imparting your expertise to help us become well-rounded pianists. 

Lemara J.

Tatevik knows a lot how to teach piano, and she shows it in a wonderful way. You can get a lot out of the course, please reserve your time. It is enough for 12 weeks.

Andrea M. B.

This course is just amazing. It's a perfect balance between being challenging and manageable.

I improved my playing significantly.

I really loved how we were taught: not only to remember technique but also to feel the music. Tatevik is a brilliant teacher, who understands how difficult the first steps are. You can really see her professionalism both in playing and in teaching.

Ekaterina Y.

"Quick-Start Piano" is a wonderful course for everyone who wants to begin a new hobby or who always wished to play this instrument like I did since childhood.

Tatevik is a teacher with heart who understands to bring the joy that comes with playing.

She explains everything that is important to know about this instrument, how to read notes, how to practice and much more. Following her instructions make it very easy for a newbie to have little successes very quick.

I loved the course and think it is perfect for everyone who always wanted to play the piano.

Thank you Tatevik for your guidance.

Doris R.

Frequently Asked Questions


For which age group is this course suggested?

This course is specifically designed for adult beginners, making it perfect for parents of music students who are interested in learning piano themselves. The lessons are tailored to help adults understand and appreciate music, providing them with a comprehensive foundation in piano playing in a supportive and engaging environment.

How are online piano lessons conducted?

The lessons are conducted via Zoom offering both real-time, interactive experiences and recorded lessons for additional support. This dual approach ensures you can practice at your own pace while still benefiting from live personalized feedback. All you need is a piano or keyboard at home, and I'll provide the rest, including sheet music and detailed practice assignments. Whether you're engaging with me live or reviewing a recorded lesson, you'll have all the tools necessary for effective learning.

What materials will I need?

 Initially, all you'll need is a piano or keyboard. I will provide all the essential materials, including lesson books, scores, and exercises tailored to your course and level. You don’t have to worry about finding the right resources; everything you need for your lessons will be supplied, allowing you to focus fully on your learning and progress.

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